Saturday 2 April 2011

Hairy 'me time'

Ok, so I am going to get this out of the way now. I am obsessed with my hair. My own hair is actually awful. I have been blessed with very fine hair that breaks easily and doesn't grow very fast. That is why I choose to glue other people's hair to my head! Just to be clear, I buy proper hair extensions, I don't just randomly go round cutting people's hair off (although it would be a lot cheaper!) I used to use clip ins, but with thin hair they are hard to anchor well, so glue was the next step. I have had the professional ones before, but not only are they extremely costly, but they were also not very comfortable at times, especially just before a new set. So I now go with the poor mans option and self glue.

My husband does not understand this concept in the slightest, and thinks I am mad for doing this every week or so. And yet if I didn't bother making anything of myself, he would complain that I looked a mess, so I can't win! He is very big on the whole 'me time' thing, and likes to spend his on one of his many boys toys in his game room. I on the other hand like to spend mine putting my extensions in, which for some reason seems to anger my dear hubby. Why does he care how I spend my 'me time'? It's MY 'me time', and if I choose to spend it beautifying then so be it!

So to summarise, I am quite fake. I would be a good candidate for Snog Marry Avoid! (For my non England fans, it's a tv show about people who are too fake. Like too much make-up, fake tan, eyelashes, hair etc). Ah to be vain!

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